

Constitutional, psychological or spacial distinction between different categories of members : internal border ; between members and non members : external border. (Eric Berne)


Perceived "reality" of the system at a given time. This reality is "co-constructed" by players and is a result of interactions between them, mainly through Emerging Change and Planned Change, among many other less critical parameters. (Madeleine Laugeri)


Explicit bilateral or multilateral agreement for a defined course of action. (Eric Berne)

Cooperation Contract

Human process that guarantees quality sharing between group members of each business segment to allow proper consensual and non-manipulative identification and prioritization of the Strategic Elements of Activity. (Madeleine Laugeri)

Emerging Change

General Approach of the whole methodoly : Systemic tool for analysis, development and harmonization of organizational processes towards human cooperation and performance. (Madeleine Laugeri)

Emerging Change: Individual and collective energy dedicated to  the team activity and focused on reaching a planned objective.

Dynamic : Individual and collective energy focused on an activity planned to achieve a goal. (Arthur Gelinas)


List of functionning rules historically specific to the team. (Eric Berne)

Healthy symbiosis

Normal relationship between a mother and her newborn. (Jacqui Schiff)


Any aware, conscious or unconscious mental representation of what a group is or should be. (Eric Berne)

Imago adjustment

Process by which a member adapts his techniques and compromises his needs to the present social opportunities (Eric Berne)

Instrument configuration

Organizational configuration in which decisions about a structure are made in the Environment and by others than the structure's leader. (Eric Berne)


A candid Child to Child relationship, free of games and of exploitation of one partner by the other. (Eric Berne)

Mission Contract

Human process that specifies the modalities of the ongoing dialogue between the group members and the leader, and that allows to negotiate the development of the organizational structure. It is in two parts: part A expresses the expectations of the leader in its dialogue with the team, part B expresses the expectations of the team in its dialogue with the leader. (Madeleine Laugeri)


Being "well with oneself and others", accepting oneself and the other with kindness. (Eric Berne)


Creative force that fights forever to grow things and perfect everything that grows. (Eric Berne)

Planned Change

The leadership's energy dedicated to ensuring the survival of the system by developping long term vision & objectives as well as offering frameworks for deciding goals and strategy, ensuring protection and sustainability  It enforces the behavioural frames and objectives set in the 3 contracts dialogues and gives strength to lead their implementation. (Madeleine Laugeri)


Preconscious life plan, developed on the basis of decisions made under the influence of theEnvironment, justified by subsequent events, that culminate to a predictable and selected end: the final profit. (Eric Berne)

Secondary adjustment

Final stage of adjustment of the imago or scenario of a group, which is a close proximity between team members. (Eric Berne)

Three Contracts methodology

Set of diagnostic and interventional procedures that focus on the identification and structuring of OK +/OK/ dialogue spaces between members of an organization. (Madeleine Laugeri)

Under-function behaviours

The fact that a leader appropriates the work of subordinates. (Gilles Pellerin)

Unhealthy symbiosis

Symbiotic relationship between adults who behave like a mother facing her newborn. (Jacqui Schiff)

Vision Contract

Human process by which the leadership explores identifies and prioritizes the Strategic Elements of the Environment and, based on this, develops the vision and objectives to disseminate internally, through the hierarchical layers, and in the external environment of the structure. (Madeleine Laugeri)